Kaida Lotus VonKat

"On the streets or between the sheets, I always come out on top!"

"My fists are like stone. My legs, like steel. But my soul?

That burns like the brightest of suns!"

Appearance: Standing only five feet tall, with long, ruby red hair that is kept in a tight braid, and sapphire blue eyes, Kaida is a nearly perfect blend of soft curves and lean, tight muscle. Decades of intense physical training, combined with plenty of experience in fighting for fun and survival, have sculpted her body into a fit and flexible martial artist. She has leanly muscled arms, a well-defined back, a flat, toned stomach rippling with well-developed abs, a firm, round ass, and long, shapely legs that are still tight with muscle. Thanks to a blessing from her Lady, Kaida can also give herself a pair of fuzzy fox ears and a matching tail, with ruby red fur that darkens to black at the tips.

In spite of all that, however, Kaida still retains most of her femininity; she has soft, full lips, her bust is quite large for her height, and her hips retain much of their round, softened look from having been a mother in the past. While the soles of her feet have grown hard from years of traveling barefoot over harsh terrain, she does go out of her way to keep them from going too cracked or worn, giving them a softer, rounded look.
Height: 5'"
Measurements: 34D-23-34

Piercings: None.
Tattoos: Kaida bears the Mark of her Lady - a fox whose tail forms the shape of a fleur-de-lis on the inside of her right breast, which only becomes visible when she is aroused (which means it is often visible), and a tattoo of a purple iris on the inner swell of the left breast. She also bears a silver and black ring around her right ring finger; a reminder of her wife while she’s out on the road that she can’t possibly lose.

Clothing: Kaida's taste in clothing is rather simple and uniform, depending on where she is. While at home in Snowbelle, she tends to be very casual, often wearing little more than a loose tank top and shorts, if anything at all; her relative lack of modesty and pride in her figure, combined with her training, tend to encourage her to flaunt everything she has without a care in the world. Recently, she has started to wear a long, crimson jacket with the insignia of the Lady - the Fox-De-Lis - on the back, with “Snowbelle Sisters” written around it.

Outside of Snowbelle, her attire is a bit more uniform, with a preference for wearing tank tops under either a red, short-sleeved silk shirt or a similar long-sleeved jacket (a 'tangzhuang'), and either tight blue jeans or baggy black pants that are tied around the ankles. If traveling on the road, she also wears a simple-looking brown robe, and during the winter, she pulls on a thick, insulated black cloak to help protect her from the worst of the weather.

Whatever else she decides to wear, Kaida almost always goes around either barefoot or wearing only a pair of black stirrup stockings made from dragonhide, preferring the feel of the ground beneath her feet. Despite this preference, however, she has taken to carrying around a pair of simple black slippers for city wear, or in cases when going barefoot may not be acceptable.

Class: Arcane Fist (Monk/Support Mage)
Elemental Affinities: Earth.

Fighting Style: Though Kaida has studied and learned several different styles of close-ranged combat, most notably bajiquan, she has been working to refine them all into her own particular style, the Flint Fox Fist. Due to her shortened reach compared to most people she ends up fighting against, she tends to fight more defensively at first, relying on her heightened speed and reflexes to dodge and weave around attacks while trying to get in close to her enemy, as well as her own physical resilience to weather the storm of attacks that do manage to land. Once she is close enough, she unleashes brutal, bone crushing blows, heightened by the power of her ki and the channeling of Earth energy to add extra power behind each strike.

Innate Abilities, Skills, Passive Traits

Blessing of the Loving Lady: As the 'champion' of the Goddess of Loving Hearts, Kaida has been imbued with a tiny spark of Her divine essence, effectively turning her into a mortal avatar.
-Duties: As a representative of her Goddess, Kaida is fully expected to live up to the tenets of her faith; she is expected to protect others who are in great need, to seek justice for those who have been wronged, and to spread her Lady's message of Love to those who will hear it. Due to this, she is guided by a spiritual and mental tug, which directs her to wherever she is needed next, with the strength and type of the 'tug' alerting her to both her mission (fighting or sexually related), and the importance of it.
-Passive Benefits (General): In addition to giving her a natural boost to her physical abilities - enhanced strength, speed, stamina, and toughness - Kaida is able to go for longer periods without needing to eat, drink, or sleep, and heals faster from wounds than a normal mortal. She is also immune to all poisons, toxins, and diseases, as well as forms of life-draining attack (both physical and spiritual) and mind-altering effects (hypnotic or mesmerizing attacks).
-Passive Benefits (Loving Lady): Kaida becomes much more resilient and strikes with increased power when fighting to protect someone else (with greater boosts coming for protecting those Kaida views as Family), or when facing against those of an Evil alignment. Kaida also possesses nearly limitless amounts of stamina and endurance when it comes to sexual activity, and is able to safely take larger than average insertions in spite of her smaller, physical size. Further, she is able to temporarily give herself a fully functional cock with a matching set of testicles.
-Active Benefits: When tapping into the full power of her blessing, Kaida's already enhanced physical attributes are further enhanced, along with her spiritual abilities. She no longer needs to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe while in this state, and her ability to heal is greatly enhanced.

Iron Body: Thanks to her training and centuries of fighting, Kaida's muscles have grown stronger and her skin has grown more resilient, allowing her to shrug off the effects of some of the physical blows she takes. When channeling her ki, she can further enhance her physical resilience, and uses it to ensure she won't break her hands when punching someone with the weight of a mountain, or suffer intense trauma when struck by her enemies.

Iron Fists: Like her Iron Body, Kaida's training and centuries of combat experience have made her fists and legs more durable, ensuring her blows land harder. While she channels her ki through her body, she adds further weight and power to her blows.

Ki Manipulation: To be completed later.

Physical Training: Decades of intense training under her Family alongside her twin sister, Sera, as well as further centuries of mercenary work, have enhanced Kaida's physical strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance to a level beyond what would otherwise be possible of a normal human. Furthermore, she is able to withstand exposure to extreme temperatures and environments, such as the side of an icy mountain peak or the caldera of an active volcano, with minimal negative effects on her.

Tranquility: Kaida has, through rigorous spiritual training, learned how to enter a state of mental and spiritual clarity known as 'tranquility'. While in this state, her ability to manipulate spiritual energy is drastically improved, allowing her to do things well beyond what she normally could as long as she can maintain this state.

Tremorsense: By focusing while in direct contact with the ground, Kaida can feel the tiniest vibrations of movement through the ground, up to approximately 120 feet of her current position.


Outside of her ubiquitous gloves and the wrappings around her feet, Kaida doesn't carry any visible weapons for one simple reason; her decades of training has turned her entire body into a potentially deadly weapon.

Foxclaw Raiment: Made from the hide of the ancient wyrm, Kargernasterax, that was brought down through the combined efforts of Kaida and the rest of her Family, this pair of black, dragonscale gloves and matching stirrup-socks are one of her most valued possessions. In addition to further boosting the power and force behind her blows, these items protect her hands and feet from the touch of acid (both magical and natural), and have padding on the inside to help absorb the shock that her limbs would otherwise take from the impact of her own strikes.

Armor/Magical Items
Kaida has all but completely eschewed any type of physical armor, finding that it slows her down a bit too much to be worth it. Instead, she primarily relies upon her speed, resilience, and energy manipulation to help protect her from harm, as well as the defensive nature of her gloves and foot wraps.

Bracers: This pair of black, mythril bracers, forged by both Kaida and her mother, Krystle, as a memento of home, have a pair of large emerald gemstones set into them, and have been enchanted to project a sleeve of protective kinetic energy around her body for extra protection.

Traveler's Bag: An ordinary-looking backpack that has been enchanted to carry far more than its size would seemingly allow within its extra-dimensional pocket. Kaida is able to find anything she has stored within the bag by simply thinking about it, with it rising up to the 'surface' almost instantly, though she sometimes prefers to pretend to rummage around inside of it for fun. Extra pockets on the sides also allow for additional storage of smaller items. As an additional benefit, Kaida can shrink down the bag to a much smaller size, which she can easily slip into a pocket of her robes when crawling through narrow spaces.

Wanderer's Robes: This set of seemingly plain brown robes was made for Kaida by her wife upon her being Blessed by the Lady and given her Duties. Her robes have relatively ragged sleeves, reach down to roughly mid-thigh on Kaida, and are regularly tied together with a black sash. Enchantments woven into the fabric offer Kaida extra protection against bladed weapons, and can be further enhanced with her ki for extra defense.


For the most part, Kaida is a rather laid back and casual 'young' lady. She is normally quite friendly, taking a great deal of interest in the people who catch her eye, and tries to make a fairly good first impression on people she'd like to befriend. That said, Kaida is also very open about what she's after, quick to flirt or flash teasing grins at anyone she's attracted to. Because of that, she has also gotten quite good at handling rejection from others; not letting it phase her for very long (if at all).

Despite her laid back demeanor, Kaida is still quite passionate when it comes to a few things in her life. She loves spending time out on the road, walking without much of a purpose beyond simply enjoying the peace and quiet of nature, or experiencing things that others may miss out on, though she still makes a point to regularly return home whenever she can. She is also an avid fighter, one who seeks out new opponents to test herself against (be it a friendly spar, or something more serious), or to add new techniques to her growing repertoire. While she takes pride in her abilities, she is also quick to accept defeat against a foe who proves themselves superior, viewing it as motivation to continue improving.

Kaida has a very simple philosophy when it comes to love, one that has been shaped by her parents and reinforced by her wife, who still accompanies her on her missions from time to time. She firmly believes that love - emotional love - is not a limited resource, and that having multiple partners is okay, as long as everyone involved is on board with such an arrangement, and nobody is being taken advantage of. Kaida is equally comfortable being intimate, both physically and emotionally, with her friends as she is her loved ones, and sees few issues with the idea of incest... though she obviously does not advertise that to everyone. She tries her best not to judge people for who they love, though she sometimes may get involved if things have turned physically or emotionally abusive, and simply asks that people return the same courtesy to her.

Beyond that, Kaida is incredibly protective of those who fall under her (admittedly quite expansive) umbrella of friends and family. She would much rather keep the people she cares for safe from harm, even if it means being hurt herself, because she knows that she can take whatever is thrown her way. It is this protective nature that drives her desire to grow better and stronger as a fighter, until nobody can bring any harm to anyone she has vowed to protect.

The Church of Loving Hearts

"Love and justice are without limit."

Symbol: A fox paw with a crescent moon in the pad.
Portfolio: Love, protection, justice, freedom of choice, foxes.
Domains: Good, Justice, Love, Protection.

The Church of Loving Hearts is centered around the recently ascended goddess known as The Loving Lady, also known as the Fox-Tailed Goddess, in order to further spread her philosophy of acceptance, justice, and physical pleasure. Despite only having existed for close to four decades, the Church of Loving Hearts has grown rapidly in size and popularity since its inception, thanks to its positive message and proactive membership, as well as the celebrity status of several of its members. This rapid growth, alongside the Church's three branches of clergy devoted to different charitable functions, have also allowed it to quickly become a powerful and influential organization in many regions.


The primary message of the Church is that love has no limits, and thus should not be constrained. The love one has for their friends and family is every bit as valid and important as the love for a romantic partner, and expressing that love allows people to connect and grow. Trying to set guidelines for your love is a narrow-minded attitude, according to the Church, and should be avoided; so long as you're honest about your desires with those you love and do your utmost not to harm anyone, you should freely indulge your desires, as it will encourage others to do the same and thus make the world a better place. Love should be extended to all, regardless of such minor matters as race, career, hobbies, and other issues. Why should an elf automatically be enemy of a dwarf? Why should an orc who has done no wrong be shunned by humans? Why should the warrior be mocked by the mage? Old rivalries and enmities such as these do nothing but bring misery and suffering to all involved, preaches the Church, and should thus be discarded for a fresh, mutual understanding to turn enemies into friends. By finding common ground and accepting the differences of others, all peoples can live together in peace and happiness.

The secondary message of the Church is that true evil should be fought with all one's might so that the innocent can thrive. While encouraging and assisting those who honestly desire peace and love, the Church acknowledges that there will always be those who have no interest in anything but subjugating others and enforcing their beliefs on them. In order to combat such oppressive forces and protect the freedom of the innocent, the Church teaches that being a warrior is no sin, just as having many lovers is no sin, so long as the warrior fights to protect those who cannot defend themselves, striking back against the wicked for the good of all. Martial prowess is as celebrated in the Church as sexual promiscuity is, along with magical skills of all sorts. To take a stand in defense of others is one of the greatest virtues one can have, preaches the Church, and is sure to gain the approval, and even assistance, of the Fox-Tailed Goddess.